The Title IX Coordinator has been charged with managing the College’s response to sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. Informed by current federal and state law and guidance, the Title IX Coordinator aims to ensure that the College responds promptly and effectively to reports of sexual violence, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects. Individuals can ask questions about reporting options or any question related to sexual violence response to the Title IX Coordinator. Individuals can learn about available options to file a report. Anonymous reports are accepted.
Chief Diversity Officer and Title IX Coordinator
Dr. Rinardo Reddick
Title IX Coordinator’s Responsibilities
- Oversee the College’s response to all forms of sexual violence, to ensure prompt and equitable resolution of all complaints.
- Provide a central place to report an incident and overseeing the reporting process.
- Provide information about College policies and procedures.
- Provide referrals to campus and community resources and victim advocates.
- Facilitate accommodations to address safety concerns and to support victims and complainants so that academic and professional pursuits may continue unimpeded.
- Keep records to ensure patterns of behavior are identified.
- Oversee investigations of misconduct to ensure fairness, impartiality, and equity.
- Coordinate and providing training, education, & prevention programs for the college community.
- Compile and submit any and all reports to maintain compliance with college, local, state, and federal agencies