
6 Faculty & Staff Portrait of Otis Fuentes A.K.A “That Windows V.P. Dog,” Medium: B & W Photo Size: 24x36” Chris Carroll Chris X Carroll earned a Master’s Degree, with Distinction, in the Science of Teaching, with concentrations in Visual Art and Special Education from St. Thomas Aquinas College. Chris currently teaches Middle School History and coaches Crew at Dwight-Englewood School. Following decades of commercial photography, filmmaking, and writing, Carroll added teaching to his resume eight years ago and has not looked back. Chris teaches filmmaking during summers at the Center and nearly always manages to talk at least one student per session to make a movie of one of Shakespeare’s sonnets. It is hard to go wrong when you start with fourteen lines written by the greatest screenwriter humanity has yet produced. Chris’ students have produced movies of Sonnets, faux TV weather reports, and rock videos and manage to blow his mind every year. Their creativity, verve, and moxie never fail to inspire Chris, who sees the entire transaction as two-way street that lets him revel in his students antics while inspiring and channeling those antics into creative art. Carroll continues to mine several recurring themes in his work across varied media. He is particularly fascinated by using individual subjects and compositing techniques to create large scale photo murals, up to sixty feet long. The artist is currently writing his memoirs of the years 1985-1995, when he worked as a rock photographer creating portraits of the greatest performers of the era. These photos haven’t been seen in decades; the stories remain untold. Until now. Stay tuned… Chris X Carroll maintains several websites of his work, though the best way to stay in touch and see work both current and vintage is through social media. Carroll contributes different material and perspective to each of several platforms. No matter the media, Carroll may be found @ where he Follows, Likes, and Adds anyone who asks, so drop on by. Carroll has included a 24x36 printed image of his photograph: Portrait of Otis Fuentes. This work may well look familiar to you, as it appeared on over a billion computer desktops as a built-in wallpaper in Microsoft’s Windows XP operating system. This portrait was designated “friend.jpg” in XP, which helps Carroll remember that his memento snapshot of his erstwhile pooch could serve as a touchstone of solace to literally millions. Chris may be an old school Mac guy, but is nonetheless stoked to have old Otis there continuing his work as a beacon of joy and friendship to generations of Windows users.