Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct Approved: July 3, 2018; Last Updated: August 2023 19 c. Respondent Rights in a Hearing The Respondent shall have the right to: i. Receive advance notice of at least five (5) calendar days of the date, time and location of any hearing they are required to or are eligible to attend. This notification will also include a written statement of the violations to the Student Code of Conduct that the Respondent is being charged with. Proper written notification shall be defined as hand-delivery by campus staff, delivery of information via electronic message to a student’s assigned campus email account, or delivery by the U.S. Post Office to a student's local off-campus address. Students shall be held responsible for the contents of mail for which they have refused receipt. ii. A prompt and impartial hearing. iii. An investigation and adjudication process conducted in a manner that recognizes the legal and policy requirements of due process (including fairness, impartiality, and a meaningful opportunity to be heard) and is not conducted by individuals with a conflict of interest. iv. Request a delay of a hearing date of up to five (5) calendar days reasonable under the circumstance(s). The Director of Student Support Services or designee will determine the validity of the request and if the delay will be granted. v. Be notified of the proposed evidence and information to be presented and to know the identity of witnesses who have been called to speak at the hearing or provide written testimony for the hearing when such information is known by the Director of Student Support Services or designee prior to the hearing. vi. Present evidence, testimony, witnesses, and witness statements when deemed appropriate and relevant by the Hearing Officers. vii. Ask questions of the decision maker and via the decision maker indirectly request responses from other parties and any other witnesses present. This method is used to preserve the educational tone of the hearing and to avoid creation of an adversarial environment. It will be left to the discretion of the Hearing Officers whether or not to ask requested questions of other parties. viii. One support person/advisor of their choosing. The advisor shall not represent or speak for the student and shall not participate directly in the student conduct process. The advisor may be present and speak privately with the student during any meeting. It is responsibility of the student to find their own support person/advisor. ix. Be present at the pertinent stages of the hearing process as indicated by the Hearing Officers. The deliberations of the Hearing Officers are private. x. Be truthful & accurate when presenting statements and other information. xi. Present a written impact statement to the Hearing Officers to review if a finding of “responsible” is made. Impact statements are only reviewed by the Hearing Officers when deliberating sanctions. Impact statements outline the student’s reasoning for what may constitute an appropriate sanction. The Hearing Officers are not bound by these statements when recommending sanctions.