WCC EIS MainReport_AK

86 Appendix 8: Overview of investment analysis measures Appendices ƒ Together, tuition and earnings foregone cost sum to $21,500. This represents the out-of-pocket investment made by the student (Column 4). ƒ In return, the student earns $5,000 more per year than he otherwise would have earned without the education (Column 5). ƒ The net cash flow (NCF) in Column 6 shows higher earnings (Column 5) less the total cost (Column 4). ƒ The assumed going rate of interest is 4%, the rate of return from alternative investment schemes for the use of the $21,500. Results are expressed in standard investment analysis terms, which are as follows: the net present value, the internal rate of return, the benefit-cost ratio, and the payback period. Each of these is briefly explained below in the context of the cash flow numbers presented in Table A8.1. Net present value The student in Table A8.1 can choose either to attend college or to forego post-secondary education and maintain his present employment. If he decides to enroll, certain economic implications unfold. Tuition and fees must be paid, and earnings will cease for one year. In exchange, the student calculates that with post-secondary education, his earnings will increase by at least the $5,000 per year, as indicated in the table. The question is simple: Will the prospective student be economically better off by choosing to enroll? If he adds up higher earnings of $5,000 per year for the remaining nine years in Table A8.1, the total will be $45,000. Compared to a total investment of $21,500, this appears to be a very solid investment. The reality, however, is different. Benefits are far lower than $45,000 because future money is worth less than present money. Costs (tuition plus earnings foregone) are felt immediately because they are incurred today, in the present. Benefits, on the other hand, occur in the future. They are not yet available. All future benefits must be discounted by the going rate of interest (referred to as the discount rate) to be able to express them in present value terms.45 Let us take a brief example. At 4%, the present value of $5,000 to be received one year from today is $4,807. If the $5,000 were to be received in year 10, the present value would reduce to $3,377. Put another way, $4,807 deposited in the bank today earning 4% interest will grow to $5,000 in one year; and $3,377 deposited today would grow to $5,000 in 10 years. An “economically rational” person would, therefore, be equally satisfied receiving $3,377 today or $5,000 10 years from today given the going rate of interest of 4%. The process of discounting – finding the present value of future higher earnings – allows the model to express values on an equal basis in future or present value terms. 45 Technically, the interest rate is applied to compounding – the process of looking at deposits today and determining how much they will be worth in the future. The same interest rate is called a discount rate when the process is reversed – determining the present value of future earnings.